The Pre-Flood Patriarchs
Creation of Adam to the Death of Methuselah
Saturday October 19 – Creation Day 6, 4115 BC
To Friday September 13 – Tishri 1, 2458 BC
1656 Years and 329 Days
44 Events: Genesis Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6
Genesis 1:24-31, 2:7-25, 5:1-5; Luke 3:38
Creation Day 6-Creation of Adam
Adam was created on Creation Day 6 of Creation Week and lived 930 years and 183 days, using DFC dating. Adam is the father of Seth and male ancestor of all human beings. Like the other parts of the created order, Adam and Eve are blessed by God and instructed to: “Be fruitful and multiply“ and “fill the earth“. Adam and Eve are also instructed to subdue the earth and have dominion over all of God’s Creation. The phrase, “according to its kind“, is applied to all the birds, fish, and land animals, but not to Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve are the only part of Creation made in “His own image; in the image of God He created them“.
Type of Dated Event: Day#6 Creation
BR Calendar Day Number: 3
BR Years from Creation: 0
BR: Saturday, October 19 — Creation Day 6, 4115 BC
GH: Saturday, October 27 — Heshvan 6, 4101 BC
Julian Day Number: 223864.75
Genesis 2:18-25
Creation Day 6-Creation of Eve
Eve is created on Creation Day 6 of Creation Week to be a “helper“ for Adam. Eve is the mother of Seth and female ancestor of all human beings.
Type of Dated Event: Day#6 Creation
BR Calendar Day Number: 3
BR Years from Creation: 0
BR: Saturday, October 19 — Creation Day 6, 4115 BC
GH: Saturday, October 27 — Heshvan 6, 4101 BC
Julian Day Number: 223864.75
Genesis 3:1-21
The Temptation and Fall of Man
The events of the Fall, and other events before the birth of Seth, are all estimated EST dates. Some historians have placed this event immediately after the Creation of Adam and Eve. Others have placed this event as much as one hundred years later. Considering the depth of the fallen nature of mankind, this author and others have estimated this date is about two weeks after Creation Week. In this part of Scripture, we are given a very clear picture of Satan’s strategy for leading humans down the path to disobedience to God and His Word. Genesis 3:1 records the first question in recorded history, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden‘?“ One of Satan’s most effective tools is to get us to question God’s Word. Notice how Satan twists the question to imply that God would not allow Eve to eat from “every tree of the garden“ instead of just the one tree in the “midst“ of the garden that was prohibited. God had been very specific in His instructions to Adam in Genesis 2:17 where it states: “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die“. These instructions are obviously given by Adam to Eve as seen in her statement to Satan in Genesis 3:2-3. After planting the seed of doubt in Eve’s mind about what God had actually said, Satan then turns his attention to casting doubt on God’s motives in giving instructions about the deadly consequences of disobedience to His Word.
The resulting first and still most popular of Satan’s lies, “You will not surely die“, is found in Genesis 3:4. Every lie related to the theory of Evolution is some form of questioning, lying, or twisting of God’s Word in order to persuade people to foolishly think that there are no serious or eternal consequences for disobedience to His Word. It is easy to ignore the consequences of disobedience to God’s Word as soon as you start doubting what He said. Those who think that the “days“ of Creation Week mean something different than ordinary 24-hour days have fallen into this deception that comes straight from Hell. Once you begin to think of death and dying and millions of years of evolutionary “change by chance”, why would you need a Savior from the effects of the Fall? If Genesis 1:1 is not real history, in what chapter and verse do you think God starts telling the Truth? This is always a good question to ask if you are listening to one of the many false teachers telling you the “real” meaning of the Book of Genesis and describes the days of Creation Week as something different than ordinary 24-hour days. Satan’s plan has always been to deceive people into thinking God’s Word does not mean what it says, that there will be no serious consequences for disobedience to His Word, and that God does not have your best interests in mind when making His laws.
When Adam and Eve fell into disobedience, God then turned His attention to the preservation of a fallen world that was always plunging toward death, disease and decay. Since He is a Holy God and “the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23) “, God then began the process of Redemption. Since the penalty for sin is both eternal physical and spiritual death, Scripture begins to record the history of Salvation in Genesis 3:15 where it states, “He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel“. This is the first mention of the “He“ who would bring Salvation. The future redeemer would bruise the head of Satan which would be a fatal blow. He, the Deliverer, would only suffer a bruised heel. This is very likely the first reference to the Crucifixion since the crucified prisoners were referred to as “the prisoners with the bruised heel”. When crucified prisoners were taken down from a cross, only one heel was bruised having supported their body weight by one nail driven into the feet placed one over the other.
This research will clearly show that belief in any form of Evolution is contrary to the stated text in Scripture. Belief in any form of an evolutionary lie is inconsistent with a belief in the God of the Bible as a totally Sovereign Creator.
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 18
BR Years from Creation: 0
BR: Sunday, November 3 — Heshvan 14, 4115 BC
GH: Sunday, November 11 — Heshvan 21, 4101 BC
Julian Day Number: 223879.75
Genesis 3:22-24
Adam and Eve are Cast Out of the Garden
When God casts Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden, this is probably an act of mercy and protection in addition to being a consequence of disobedience to God’s clear command. Before creating Eve in Genesis 2:17, God clearly explained to Adam the consequences of eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil when He says, “you shall surely die“. Fortunately for Adam and Eve and the rest of mankind, the resulting death from disobedience was not immediate. According to Genesis 5:4-5, Adam would live a total of 930 years, and would father many sons and daughters. Now that Adam and Eve were in a fallen state of sin, it is conceivable that if they ate from the Tree of Life, they would live forever in this fallen state. Obviously that was not God’s plan. It was God’s plan to begin providing a way of Salvation so that redeemed mankind could live forever in heaven with Him. God removes them from the Garden and they begin living with the penalty of disobedience to His Word. Fortunately for mankind, it would take Adam over 900 years before he would experience the physical penalty of death. Adam and Eve will experience living in a fallen world while still experiencing God’s Grace. Adam and Eve at this point now know the difference between Good and Evil. God knows Good and Evil due to His Holiness and Omniscience. Evil is not a part of God nor is it generated from Him. In contrast, Adam and Eve know Good and Evil by experience and will spend the rest of their lives learning God’s Word means what He says. There are consequences when we disobey His commands. It could be argued that Adam and Eve were naïve about the consequences of sin since they had never witnessed any form of death prior to the Fall. This event of being removed from the Garden of Eden should give us all reason to make sure we understand what God’s Word says and what it means by what it says. Being ignorant or naïve about His Word does not remove us from the consequences of sin.
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 26
BR Years from Creation: 0
BR: Monday, November 11 — Heshvan 22, 4115 BC
GH: Monday, November 19 — Heshvan 29, 4101 BC
Julian Day Number: 223887.75
Genesis 4:1
Birth of Cain-Son of Adam and Eve
Cain appears to be the firstborn of the “secular line” of Adam and Eve. Seth would be the firstborn of the “sacred line” through Adam and Eve. The “secular line” refers to the descendants of Cain. Many of Cain’s descendants are named in order of birth, without giving the age of the father at the time of the heir’s birth. There is no way to precisely track the descendants of Cain in a Timeline that is connected back to Creation Week or any other dated event in Scripture. Those who follow in the secular line are generally historic enemies of their brothers in the “sacred line”. Jacob and Esau, Isaac and Ishmael, would be good examples of family lines that are frequent enemies in history. In contrast, the precise number of years in the sacred line can be traced from Creation through King David to the birth of Jesus. The sacred line of Jesus, through Joseph, the husband of Mary, is found in Matthew 1:1-17. This unique section of Scripture uses 14 consecutive 40-year spans for connecting generations, rather than the actual birth order of father and son. The sacred line of Jesus, through his mother Mary, can be found in Luke 3:23-38. The date of the birth of Cain is the first EDFC (estimated Date from Creation) since the number of years from Creation until this event is not stated. This is the DFC date for one year from Creation Day 3 in 4115 BC. See Chapter Twelve titled, “Types of Dated Events in Scripture Explained”, for an explanation of DFC, EDFC, and other dated events.
Type of Dated Event: EDFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 364
BR Years from Creation: 0
BR: Wednesday, October 16 — Creation Day 3, 4114 BC
GH: Wednesday, October 23 — Creation Day 7, 4100 BC
Julian Day Number: 224225.75
Genesis 4:2
Birth of Abel-Son of Adam and Eve
Abel appears to be the second son of Adam and Eve. This event is also an EDFC event since the number of years is not stated. This event is estimated to be one year after the birth of his older brother, Cain.
Type of Dated Event: EDFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 364
BR Years from Creation: 1
BR: Wednesday, October 16 — Creation Day 3, 4113 BC
GH: Wednesday, October 22 — Creation Day 6, 4099 BC
Julian Day Number: 224589.75
Genesis 4:3-4
Cain and Abel Make an Offering to the Lord
Cain and Abel present an offering to the Lord. Cain is estimated to be 30 years old when this event happens. Both Cain and Abel had apparently received instructions on making a sacrificial offering to God. These instructions are not recorded in the text of Scripture. It does appear that one way God measures loyalty and obedience in a person’s heart is by the attitude of giving to Him. Cain was a tiller of the ground and Abel took care of sheep. Like many farmers today, Cain and Abel probably raised both crops and animals but tended to specialize in one or the other so they would be able to offer either type of sacrifice. Both occupations appear to be respectable to God. It is the condition of the servant’s heart that is of concern to God. Like all DFC and EDFC dates from this point on, the Calendar Day Number is one-fifth of the number of years since Creation Day 3 of Creation Week. CD#6 is the DFC and EDFC date for events happening between the years 4086 BC and 4082 BC.
Type of Dated Event: EDFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 6
BR Years from Creation: 30
BR: Tuesday, October 22 — Heshvan 2, 4085 BC
GH: Tuesday, September 23 — Tishri 8, 4071 BC
Julian Day Number: 234787.75
Genesis 4:4-7; Hebrews 11:4
The Lord Does Not Respect Cain’s Offering
Hebrews 11:4 records that Abel’s offering was an act of faith in giving God the best of what he had produced in the form of the firstborn of his flock. Both brothers knew what God expected from them. Abel was obedient to God and Cain was not. When Cain realized his offering was not acceptable to God, he became very angry. Instead of repenting of his sin, Cain was disappointed and angry with God. God warns Cain that if he remains disobedient, sin will crouch at the door like a lion waiting to jump on its prey. Cain does not heed God’s warning and sin takes its tragic course.
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 12
BR Years from Creation: 30
BR: Monday, October 28 — Heshvan 8, 4085 BC
GH: Monday, September 29 — Tishri 14, 4071 BC
Julian Day Number: 234793.75
Genesis 4:8
Cain Murders Abel
Since Cain cannot direct his anger toward God and refuses to be obedient to God’s commands, he decides to take his anger out on his brother Abel and kills him. This is the first murder in history. Cain’s motive of jealousy over his brother’s righteousness is mentioned in 1 John 3:12 and Jude 11.
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 20
BR Years from Creation: 30
BR: Tuesday, November 5 — Heshvan 16, 4085 BC
GH: Tuesday, October 7 — Tishri 22, 4071 BC
Julian Day Number: 234801.75
Genesis 4:9-15
The Lord Confronts and Punishes Cain
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 26
BR Years from Creation: 30
BR: Monday, November 11 — Heshvan 22, 4085 BC
GH: Monday, October 13 — Tishri 28, 4071 BC
Julian Day Number: 234807.75
Genesis 4:16
The Family of Cain Moves to Nod
Cain and his family are banished from the area where it is assumed some of his family members still reside. He moves to Nod which is described as “east of Eden“. Here he would build a city named after his son, Enoch, and would beget many children. This city called Enoch would thrive until the events of Noah’s Flood when the world population may have been comparable to what it is today. The dating of these events related to Cain and Abel is very difficult since no number of years is given. These events could have been up to a hundred years later but are likely to have occurred before the DFC date of the birth of Seth, 130 years after Creation Week.
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 58
BR Years from Creation: 30
BR: Friday, December 13 — Kislev 24, 4085 BC
GH: Friday, November 14 — Heshvan 22, 4071 BC
Julian Day Number: 234839.75
Genesis 4:17
Birth of Enoch-Son of Cain
Enoch is the grandson of Adam and Eve. It is estimated that Enoch is born 30 years and 6 days after the birth of his father, Cain. This is one of many important EDFC dates during the period of the pre-flood Patriarchs. The Calendar Day Number (CD#6) for an EDFC event is one-fifth of the number of completed years since Creation Day 3 of Creation Week. CD#6 is the DFC date for events happening between the years 4086 BC and 4082 BC.
Type of Dated Event: EDFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 6
BR Years from Creation: 31
BR: Tuesday, October 22 — Heshvan 2, 4084 BC
GH: Tuesday, September 22 — Tishri 7, 4070 BC
Julian Day Number: 235151.75
Genesis 4:18
Birth of Irad-Son of Enoch
Irad is the great-grandson of Adam and Eve. It is estimated that Irad is born nineteen years and four days after his father, Enoch. The Calendar Day Number (CD#10) is one-fifth of the number of completed years since Creation Day 3 of Creation Week.
Type of Dated Event: EDFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 10
BR Years from Creation: 50
BR: Saturday, October 26 — Heshvan 6, 4065 BC
GH: Saturday, September 2 — Elul 16, 4051 BC
Julian Day Number: 242071.75
Genesis 4:18
Birth of Mehujael-Son of Irad
Mehujael is the great-great-grandson of Adam and Eve. It is estimated that Mehujael is born twenty years and four days after his father, Irad. CD#14 is the DFC date for events happening between the years 4046 BC and 4042 BC.
Type of Dated Event: EDFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 14
BR Years from Creation: 70
BR: Wednesday, October 30 — Heshvan 10, 4045 BC
GH: Wednesday, August 12 — Av 25, 4031 BC
Julian Day Number: 249355.75
Genesis 4:18
Birth of Methushael-Son of Mehujael
Methushael is the great-great-great-grandson of Adam and Eve. It is estimated that Methushael is born twenty years and four days after his father, Mehujael. The Calendar Day Number (CD#18) is one-fifth of the number of completed years since Day 3 of Creation Week. CD#18 is the DFC date for events happening between the years 4026 BC and 4022 BC.
Type of Dated Event: EDFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 18
BR Years from Creation: 90
BR: Sunday, November 3 — Heshvan 14, 4025 BC
GH: Sunday, July 22 — Av 4, 4011 BC
Julian Day Number: 256639.75
Genesis 4:18
Birth of Lamech-Son of Methushael
Lamech is the great-great-great-great-grandson of Adam and Eve. It is estimated that Lamech is born twenty years and four days after his father, Methushael. This is a good example of an Estimated Date from Creation (EDFC) explained on page 100.
Type of Dated Event: EDFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 22
BR Years from Creation: 110
BR: Thursday, November 7 — Heshvan 18, 4005 BC
GH: Thursday, July 1 — Tammuz 12, 3991 BC
Julian Day Number: 263923.75
Genesis 4:19
Lamech-Son of Methushael Takes Two Wives
It is estimated that Lamech takes two wives seventeen years and three days after his birth. The CD#25 is one-fifth of the number of completed years since Creation Day 3 of Creation Week. CD#25 is the DFC date for events from 3991 BC to 3987 BC.
Type of Dated Event: EDFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 25
BR Years from Creation: 127
BR: Sunday, November 10 — Heshvan 21, 3988 BC
GH: Sunday, June 13 — Sivan 24, 3974 BC
Julian Day Number: 270114.75
Genesis 4:20
Birth of Jabal-Son of Lamech by Adah
It is estimated that Jabal is born one year after his father, Lamech, takes two wives. This is one of many EDFC dates found in the period of the pre-flood Patriarchs. See page 100 for an explanation of EDFC dates. The Calendar Day Number (CD#25) is one-fifth of the number of completed years since Creation Day 3 of Creation Week.
Type of Dated Event: EDFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 25
BR Years from Creation: 128
BR: Sunday, November 10 — Heshvan 21, 3987 BC
GH: Sunday, June 11 — Sivan 24, 3973 BC
Julian Day Number: 270478.75
Genesis 4:22
Birth of Tubal-Cain-Son of Lamech by Zillah
It is estimated that Tubal-Cain is also born one year after his father, Lamech, takes two wives. The Calendar Day Number (CD#25) is one-fifth of the number of completed years since Creation Day 3 of Creation Week.
Type of Dated Event: EDFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 25
BR Years from Creation: 128
BR: Sunday, November 10 — Heshvan 21, 3987 BC
GH: Sunday, June 11 — Sivan 24, 3973 BC
Julian Day Number: 270478.75
Genesis 4:21
Birth of Jubal-Son of Lamech by Adah
It is estimated that Jubal is born two years and one day after his father, Lamech, takes two wives. Like all DFC and EDFC dates, the Calendar Day Number (CD#26) is one-fifth of the number of completed years since Creation Day 3 of Creation Week.
Type of Dated Event: EDFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 26
BR Years from Creation: 129
BR: Monday, November 11 — Heshvan 22, 3986 BC
GH: Monday, June 11 — Sivan 22, 3972 BC
Julian Day Number: 270843.75
Genesis 4:22
Birth of Naamah-Daughter of Lamech by Zillah
It is estimated that Naamah is born three years and one day after her father Lamech takes two wives. This date would mean she was born the same day as Seth, son of Adam.
Type of Dated Event: EDFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 26
BR Years from Creation: 130
BR: Monday, November 11 — Heshvan 22, 3985 BC
GH: Monday, June 10 — Sivan 21, 3971 BC
Julian Day Number: 271207.75
Genesis 4:25, 5:3; Luke 3:38
Birth of Seth-Son of Adam
Seth is the firstborn in the “sacred line” or “blessed” heirs of Adam and Eve. The lineage of Jesus can be traced back through Seth to Adam. The sacred line of Jesus, through Joseph, the husband of Mary, is found in Matthew 1:1-17. This unique section of Scripture uses fourteen consecutive forty-year spans for connecting generations, rather than the actual birth order of father and son. The sacred line of Jesus, through his mother, Mary, can be found in Luke 3:23-38. In contrast, the “secular line” refers to the descendants of Cain. Many of Cain’s descendants are named in order of birth, without giving the age of the father at the time of the heir’s birth. As previously stated, there is no way to track the secular line descendants in a precise Timeline. Most of the dates of events in the secular line must be estimated (EDFC) dates. Those who follow in the secular line are generally historic enemies of their brothers in the “sacred line”. Jacob and Esau, Isaac and Ishmael, would be good examples of family lines that are frequent enemies in history. Those who follow in the sacred line of Seth can be easily tracked in connected chronologies of years throughout Scripture and given DFC dates.
The birth of Seth is the first DFC date that can be accurately measured from the number of years from Creation given in the Biblical text. The DFC date of birth for Seth is 130 years and 26 days after Creation Day 3 of Creation Week. Seth is born 130 years and 23 days after the creation of his parents, Adam and Eve on Creation Day 6 in 4115 BC. Seth is the father of Enosh. Jesus would come from the Patriarchs passing through King David. The Calendar Day Number (CD#26) is one-fifth of the number of completed years since Day 3 of Creation Week. CD#26 is the DFC date for events happening from the years 3986 BC to 3982 BC.
Type of Dated Event: DFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 26
BR Years from Creation: 130
BR: Monday, November 11 — Heshvan 22, 3985 BC
GH: Monday, June 10 — Sivan 21, 3971 BC
Julian Day Number: 271207.75
Genesis 5:6; Luke 3:38
Birth of Enosh-Son of Seth
The DFC date of birth for Enosh is one hundred and five years and twenty-one days after the birth of his father, Seth. Enosh is the father of Cainan. Enosh is the first of six Patriarchs’ that are alive during the lives of both Adam and Noah. CD#47 is one-fifth of the number of completed years since Creation Week in 4115 BC. CD#47 is the DFC date for events happening between 3981 BC and 3977 BC.
Type of Dated Event: DFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 47
BR Years from Creation: 235
BR: Monday, December 2 — Kislev 13, 3880 BC
GH: Monday, February 21 — Adar 1, 3866 BC
Julian Day Number: 309448.75
Genesis 5:9; Luke 3:37-38
Birth of Cainan-Son of Enosh
Cainan’s DFC date of birth is ninety years and eighteen days after the birth of his father, Enosh. Cainan is the father of Mahalalel. Cainan is the second generational bridge between Adam and Noah. CD#65 is one-fifth of the number of completed years since Creation Week. CD#65 is the DFC date for events from 3791 BC and 3987 BC.
Type of Dated Event: DFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 65
BR Years from Creation: 325
BR: Friday, December 20 — Tevet 1, 3790 BC
GH: Friday, November 19 — Heshvan 29, 3777 BC
Julian Day Number: 342226.75
Genesis 5:12; Luke 3:37
Birth of Mahalalel-Son of Cainan
The DFC date for the birth of Mahalalel is seventy years and fourteen days after the
birth of his father, Cainan. Mahalalel is the father of Jared. CD#79 is one-fifth of the number of completed years since Creation Week.
Type of Dated Event: DFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 79
BR Years from Creation: 395
BR: Friday, January 4 — Tevet 15, 3719 BC
GH: Friday, September 7 — Elul 21, 3707 BC
Julian Day Number: 367720.75
Genesis 5:15; Luke 3:37
Birth of Jared-Son of Mahalalel
The DFC date for the birth of Jared is sixty-five years and thirteen days after the birth of his father, Mahalalel. Jared is the father of Enoch. CD#92 is one-fifth of the number of completed years since Creation Week.
Type of Dated Event: DFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 92
BR Years from Creation: 460
BR: Thursday, January 17 — Tevet 28, 3654 BC
GH: Thursday, July 2 — Tammuz 13, 3642 BC
Julian Day Number: 391393.75
Genesis 5:18; Luke 3:37
Birth of Enoch-Son of Jared
The DFC date for the birth of Enoch is 162 years and 32 days after the birth of his father, Jared. Enoch is the father of Methuselah. CD#124 is one-fifth the number of completed years since Creation Week in 4115 BC.
Type of Dated Event: DFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 124
BR Years from Creation: 622
BR: Monday, February 19 — Adar 1, 3492 BC
GH: Monday, January 13 — Tevet 21, 3480 BC
Julian Day Number: 450393.75
Genesis 5:21; Luke 3:37
Birth of Methuselah-Son of Enoch
The DFC date for the birth of Methuselah is 65 years and 13 days after the birth of his father, Enoch. Methuselah is the father of Lamech. CD#137 is one-fifth of the number of years since Creation Week. CD#137 is the DFC date of events from 3431 BC to 3427 BC.
Type of Dated Event: DFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 137
BR Years from Creation: 687
BR: Sunday, March 2 — Adar 14, 3427 BC
GH: Sunday, November 6 — Heshvan 14, 3416 BC
Julian Day Number: 474066.75
Genesis 5:25; Luke 3:36-37
Birth of Lamech-Son of Methuselah
The DFC date for the birth of Lamech is 187 years and 38 days after the birth of his father, Methuselah. Lamech is the father of Noah. CD#175 is one-fifth the number of years from Creation Week in 4115 BC.
Type of Dated Event: DFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 175
BR Years from Creation: 874
BR: Wednesday, April 9 — Nisan 22, 3240 BC
GH: Wednesday, April 26 — Iyar 7, 3229 BC
Julian Day Number: 542172.75
Genesis 5:4-5
Death of Adam-Son of God at 930
Adam’s DFC date of his death is 930 years and 183 days from his creation on the sixth day of Creation Week. The DFC date for the birth of Noah is only 112 years and 22 days after the DFC date of Adam’s death. This puts Noah’s birth less than three forty-year generations from the life-span of Adam. This is a very important patriarchal DFC date.
Type of Dated Event: DFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 186
BR Years from Creation: 930
BR: Sunday, April 20 — Iyar 3, 3184 BC
GH: Sunday, February 27 — Adar 8, 3173 BC
Julian Day Number: 562567.75
Genesis 5:21-24
”Rapture” of Enoch-Son of Jared at 365
Enoch is “raptured” directly into heaven. He does not die a physical death like other human beings. The DFC date of his “rapture” is 365 years and 73 days after his birth.
Type of Dated Event: DFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 197
BR Years from Creation: 987
BR: Thursday, May 1 — Iyar 14, 3127 BC
GH: Thursday, December 28 — Tevet 8, 3117 BC
Julian Day Number: 583326.75
Genesis 5:1-8
Death of Seth-Son of Adam at 912
The DFC date of the death of Seth is 912 years and 182 days from his birth. Seth is the only son of Adam and Eve who continues the sacred hereditary line traced from Adam to the birth of Jesus. The death of Seth is one of many important DFC dates in the lives of the pre-flood Patriarchs. CD#208 is one-fifth of the number of completed years since Creation Week. CD#208 is the DFC date for events between 3076 BC and 3072 BC.
Type of Dated Event: DFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 208
BR Years from Creation: 1042
BR: Monday, May 12 — Iyar 25, 3072 BC
GH: Monday, November 2 — Heshvan 10, 3062 BC
Julian Day Number: 603357.75
Genesis 5:28-29; Luke 3:36
Birth of Noah-Son of Lamech
The DFC date for the birth of Noah is 182 years and 36 days after the birth of his father, Lamech. CD#211 is one-fifth of the number of completed years since Creation Week. The 600th year of Noah and the death of Methuselah, in the year of The Flood, would come 600 years and 120 days after this event. It is important to note that when Noah is born, Enosh, Cainan, Mahalalel, Jared, Methuselah and Lamech are still alive. CD#211 is the DFC date for events happening between 3061 BC and 3057 BC.
Type of Dated Event: DFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 211
BR Years from Creation: 1056
BR: Thursday, May 15 — Iyar 28, 3058 BC
GH: Thursday, October 18 — Creation Day 2, 3048 BC
Julian Day Number: 608456.75
Genesis 5:9-11
Death of Enosh-Son of Seth at 905
The DFC date of the death of Enosh is 905 years and 181 days from the DFC date of his birth. CD#228 is one-fifth of the number of completed years since Creation Week.
Type of Dated Event: DFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 228
BR Years from Creation: 1140
BR: Sunday, June 1 — Sivan 16, 2974 BC
GH: Sunday, July 23 — Av 5, 2964 BC
Julian Day Number: 639049.75
Genesis 5:12-14
Death of Cainan-Son of Enosh at 910
The DFC date of the death of Cainan is 910 years and 182 days from his birth. CD#247 is one-fifth of the number of completed years since Creation Week. CD#247 is the DFC date for events happening between 2881 BC and 2877 BC.
Type of Dated Event: DFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 247
BR Years from Creation: 1235
BR: Friday, June 20 — Tammuz 5, 2879 BC
GH: Friday, April 15 — Nisan 26, 2869 BC
Julian Day Number: 673648.75
Genesis 5:15-17
Death of Mahalalel-Son of Cainan at 895
The DFC date of the death of Mahalalel is 895 years and 179 days from his birth.
Type of Dated Event: DFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 258
BR Years from Creation: 1290
BR: Tuesday, July 1 — Tammuz 16, 2824 BC
GH: Tuesday, February 17 — Shevat 27, 2814 BC
Julian Day Number: 693679.75
Genesis 5:18-20
Death of Jared-Son of Mahalalel at 962
The DFC date for the death of Jared is 962 years and 192 days from his birth. CD#284 is one-fifth of the number of completed years since Creation Day 3 of Creation Week. CD#284 is the DFC date for events happening between 2696 BC and 2692 BC.
Type of Dated Event: DFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 284
BR Years from Creation: 1422
BR: Sunday, July 27 — Av 13, 2692 BC
GH: Sunday, October 2 — Tishri 17, 2683 BC
Julian Day Number: 741753.75
Genesis 6:1-22
God Promises to Flood Earth in 120 Years
God promises to bring judgment on mankind for his wickedness. God’s patience has its limits due to His Holiness. God promises to bring judgment to the entire earth by means of a global flood. This flood will kill everything that lives on the land and in the air in 120 years in the future. God gives Noah instructions for building the Ark. Noah does all that God commands him to do. CD#307 is one-fifth of the number of completed years since Creation Week. CD#307 is the DFC date for events happening between the years 2581 BC and 2577 BC.
Type of Dated Event: DFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 307
BR Years from Creation: 1536
BR: Tuesday, August 20 — Elul 6, 2578 BC
GH: Tuesday, June 5 — Sivan 18, 2569 BC
Julian Day Number: 783272.75
Genesis 5:32, 10:21 (NKJV)
Birth of Japheth-First Son of Noah
The DFC date of birth for Japheth is 500 years and 100 days from the birth of his father, Noah. Japheth is the first of three sons born to Noah. The DFC date for the birth of Ham is one year later. Shem is born one year and one day after the birth of Ham. The birth order of Noah’s sons is right to left in the text. This same order is found with the birth order of the sons of Terah showing Abraham as the third son and Haran as the first in Genesis 11:26. CD#311 is the DFC date for events between 2561 BC and 2557 BC.
Type of Dated Event: DFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 311
BR Years from Creation: 1556
BR: Saturday, August 24 — Elul 10, 2558 BC
GH: Saturday, May 15 — Iyar 26, 2549 BC
Julian Day Number: 790556.75
Genesis 5:32
Birth of Ham-Second Son of Noah
Ham is the second son of his father, Noah. Ham is born one year after Japheth and one year plus one day before Shem using DFC dating.
Type of Dated Event: DFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 311
BR Years from Creation: 1557
BR: Saturday, August 24 — Elul 10, 2557 BC
GH: Saturday, May 14 — Iyar 23, 2548 BC
Julian Day Number: 790920.75
Genesis 11:10-11; Luke 3:36
Birth of Shem-Third Son of Noah
Shem is the third son of his father Noah and the father of Arphaxad. The DFC date of birth for Shem is 502 years and 101 days after the birth of Noah. CD#312 is one-fifth of the number of completed years since Creation Week.
Type of Dated Event: DFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 312
BR Years from Creation: 1558
BR: Sunday, August 25 — Elul 11, 2556 BC
GH: Sunday, May 14 — Iyar 23, 2547 BC
Julian Day Number: 791285.75
Genesis 5:28-31
Death of Lamech-Son of Methuselah at 777
Lamech dies 777 years and 155 days after his birth. Lamech dies 5 years before the death of his son, Methuselah, and five years before the start of the year of Noah’s Flood. CD#330 is the DFC date for events from 2466 BC and 2462 BC.
Type of Dated Event: DFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 330
BR Years from Creation: 1651
BR: Thursday, September 12 — Elul 29, 2463 BC
GH: Thursday, February 6 — Shevat 16, 2454 BC
Julian Day Number: 825155.75
Genesis 5:21-27
Death of Methuselah-Son of Enoch at 969
The DFC date for the death of Methuselah is 969 years and 194 days from his DFC date of birth. This day is also the 600th birthday of Noah using DFC dating. The events of The Flood seem to be triggered with the death of Methuselah. Noah’s family enters the Ark forty-seven days after Methuselah’s death. If the DFC is an exact date of an event, this DFC date seems to solve a long standing question as to whether or not Methuselah was killed by The Flood since he dies in the same year as the start of Noah’s Flood. The question remains open as to whether or not the DFC date is the exact date of an event or does the DFC date function like the marks on a ruler giving an approximate date when the exact date is not stated. On this same date, exactly one year later, Noah takes the covering off the Ark according to Genesis 8:13. Arphaxad, the son of Shem, would be born one year and one day after Noah takes the covering off the Ark. Arphaxad is born two years after the DFC date of Methuselah’s death (Genesis 11:10). CD#331 is the DFC date and EDFC date for events happening between the years 2461 BC and the years 2457 BC.
Type of Dated Event: DFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 331
BR Years from Creation: 1656
BR: Friday, September 13 — Tishri 1, 2458 BC
GH: Friday, February 1 — Shevat 12, 2449 BC
Julian Day Number: 826976.75