Text from Earth’s Sacred Calendar:
The Dated Events of the Old Testament

Joshua and the Conquest of Canaan
Spies Sent Into Canaan to the Death of Joshua
Wednesday March 19 – Nisan 1, 1405 BC
To Saturday April 19 – Iyar 2, 1367 BC
38 Years and 32 Days
Sample of 146 Events: Joshua & Judges 1:1-2:10
Joshua 2:1
Joshua Sends Spies From Acacia Grove
On this date, Moses is exactly 120 years old based on his DFC date of birth on the first day of Nisan in 1525 BC. Since Moses died the previous month, this would be a good example showing how the DFC dates in Scripture sometimes function like marks on the ruler of time instead of designating the exact date of an event.
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 154
BR Years from Creation: 2709
BR: Wednesday, March 19 — Nisan 1, 1405 BC
GH: Wednesday, January 7 — Tevet 15, 1400 BC
Julian Day Number: 1210091.75
Joshua 2:2-21
Spies Hide in Rahab’s Home in Jericho
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 156
BR Years from Creation: 2709
BR: Friday, March 21 — Nisan 3, 1405 BC
GH: Friday, January 9 — Tevet 17, 1400 BC
Julian Day Number: 1210093.75
Joshua 3:2-17
Joshua and Israel Cross the River Jordan
Type of Dated Event: DIS
BR Calendar Day Number: 163
BR Years from Creation: 2709
BR: Friday, March 28 — Nisan 10, 1405 BC
GH: Friday, January 16 — Tevet 24, 1400 BC
Julian Day Number: 1210100.75
Joshua 4:1-9
Twelve Memorial Stones Placed at Gilgal
Type of Dated Event: DIS
BR Calendar Day Number: 163
BR Years from Creation: 2709
BR: Friday, March 28 — Nisan 10, 1405 BC
GH: Friday, January 16 — Tevet 24, 1400 BC
Julian Day Number: 1210100.75
Joshua 4:10-24
Priests Bring the Ark From the Jordan
Type of Dated Event: DIS
BR Calendar Day Number: 164
BR Years from Creation: 2709
BR: Saturday, March 29 — Nisan 11, 1405 BC
GH: Saturday, January 17 — Tevet 25, 1400 BC
Julian Day Number: 1210101.75
Joshua 5:10
Israel Celebrates Passover on Plains of Jericho
Type of Dated Event: Passover
BR Calendar Day Number: 167
BR Years from Creation: 2709
BR: Tuesday, April 1 — Nisan 14, 1405 BC
GH: Tuesday, January 20 — Tevet 28, 1400 BC
Julian Day Number: 1210104.75
Joshua 5:11
Israel Eats Fruit of the Land of Canaan
Type of Dated Event: DIS
BR Calendar Day Number: 168
BR Years from Creation: 2709
BR: Wednesday, April 2 — Nisan 15, 1405 BC
GH: Wednesday, January 21 — Tevet 29, 1400 BC
Julian Day Number: 1210105.75
Joshua 5:12
Israel No Longer Eats Manna
The manna ceased on the day after they ate the produce of the land.
Type of Dated Event: DIS
BR Calendar Day Number: 169
BR Years from Creation: 2709
BR: Thursday, April 3 — Nisan 16, 1405 BC
GH: Thursday, January 22 — Shevat 1, 1400 BC
Julian Day Number: 1210106.75
Joshua 5:13-6:5
Commander of the Lord’s Army Instructs Joshua
On the evening of Friday, April 4−Nisan 17 in 1405 BC, Joshua meets the Commander of the Lord’s Army and is given directions about the battle for Jericho. This date is exactly 40 years from the first day out of Egypt at the start of the Exodus with the Dedication of the Firstborn at Succoth. This event is described in Gen. 12:40-42 (p. 210).
Type of Dated Event: EDIS
BR Calendar Day Number: 170
BR Years from Creation: 2709
BR: Friday, April 4 — Nisan 17, 1405 BC
GH: Friday, January 23 — Shevat 2, 1400 BC
Julian Day Number: 1210107.75
Joshua 6:6-10
Joshua Instructs Israel About Battle for Jericho
On the same evening of Nisan 17, Joshua returns to camp and delivers the instructions for the battle of Jericho that would begin the next morning of this same day on the Hebrew calendar. On this same solar date in 30 AD, 1,434 years later, the risen Christ would stand before His disciples on the evening of the Resurrection (John 20:19-23).
Type of Dated Event: EDIS
BR Calendar Day Number: 170
BR Years from Creation: 2709
BR: Friday, April 4 — Nisan 17, 1405 BC
GH: Friday, January 23 — Shevat 2, 1400 BC
Julian Day Number: 1210107.75
Joshua 6:15-20
Walls of Jericho Fall on Seventh Day
The walls of Jericho fall on the seventh day of battle.
Type of Dated Event: EDIS
BR Calendar Day Number: 176
BR Years from Creation: 2709
BR: Thursday, April 10 — Nisan 23, 1405 BC
GH: Thursday, January 29 — Shevat 8, 1400 BC
Julian Day Number: 1210113.75
Joshua 8:3-29
Israel Attacks and Destroys City of Ai
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 256
BR Years from Creation: 2709
BR: Sunday, June 29 — Tammuz 14, 1405 BC
GH: Sunday, April 19 — Nisan 28, 1400 BC
Julian Day Number: 1210193.75
Joshua 10:1-2
Gibeon and Israel’s Treaty Angers King Adoni-Zedek
Gibeon and Israel’s Treaty greatly angers King Adoni-Zedek who is the King of Jerusalem. Jerusalem’s King had heard about the military victories of Israel over the cities of Jericho and Ai. He was greatly afraid of the situation that now existed because of the treaty of Israel with Gibeon.
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 309
BR Years from Creation: 2709
BR: Thursday, August 22 — Elul 8, 1405 BC
GH: Thursday, June 11 — Sivan 22, 1400 BC
Julian Day Number: 1210246.75
Joshua 10:12-14
Sun Stands Still Allowing Defeat of Amorites
There has been much speculation in Biblical commentaries to explain this text. Scripture is clear that the sun stood still and the moon stopped. Many claim some form of a solar eclipse that kept the sun’s heat from Israel’s soldiers until they prevailed against the Amorites. Other commentaries claim that the sun appeared to stop. Joshua 10:13 is very clear about what happened: “So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day”. American Indians, who would have been on the other side of the earth, talk about the “long night” that occurred at this same time in history. This research concludes that what is probably being described here is a 48-hour Friday with one sunrise and one sunset. This Friday covers two days of time on the Gregorian-Hebrew calendar. The obvious purpose of this miracle is to show God’s power in giving Israel a victory over the Amorites. It is also an answer to Joshua’s public prayer request before all of Israel. In relation to the effect on earth’s calendars, this is one of eight days needed to line up 4,096 Gregorian solar years and the 364-Day calendar (4,110 years) from Day 7 of Creation Week to the birth of Jesus in 5 BC.
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 345
BR Years from Creation: 2709
BR: Friday, September 27 — Tishri 15, 1405 BC
GH: Friday, July 17 — Tammuz 28, 1400 BC
Julian Day Number: 1210282.75
Joshua 10:22-26
Joshua Opens Cave and Kills Five Amorite Kings
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 358
BR Years from Creation: 2709
BR: Thursday, October 10 — Tishri 28, 1405 BC
GH: Thursday, July 30 — Tammuz 25, 1400 BC
Julian Day Number: 1210295.75
Joshua 10:40-42
Central and Southern Canaan Conquest Completed
After the defeat of Debir by Israel, the complete destruction of everything that breathed had been accomplished in the mountains of central Canaan. Joshua also conquered the land from Kadesh Barnea as far as Gaza. The land of Goshen as far as Gibeon was also defeated. Israel prevailed in battle when God’s strict orders were obeyed.
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 86
BR Years from Creation: 2710
BR: Friday, January 11 — Tevet 22, 1404 BC
GH: Friday, October 30 — Heshvan 7, 1400 BC
Julian Day Number: 1210387.75
Joshua 10:43
Israel Returns to Camp at Gilgal for Winter
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 93
BR Years from Creation: 2710
BR: Friday, January 18 — Tevet 29, 1404 BC
GH: Friday, November 6 — Heshvan 14, 1400 BC
Julian Day Number: 1210394.75
Joshua 11:1-5
Northern Canaanite Kings Meet at Lake Merom
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 298
BR Years from Creation: 2710
BR: Sunday, August 11 — Av 27, 1404 BC
GH: Sunday, May 30 — Nisan 10, 1399 BC
Julian Day Number: 1210599.75
Joshua 11:6
Joshua Gets Instructions for Northern Canaanite Battle
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 305
BR Years from Creation: 2710
BR: Sunday, August 18 — Elul 4, 1404 BC
GH: Sunday, June 6 — Nisan 17, 1399 BC
Julian Day Number: 1210606.75
Joshua 11:3, 12
Joshua Defeats Kings of Jebusites and Hivites
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 29
BR Years from Creation: 2714
BR: Thursday, November 14 — Heshvan 25, 1401 BC
GH: Thursday, August 29 — Elul 12, 1396 BC
Julian Day Number: 1211786.75
Joshua 11:16-23
Canaan Rests From War After Almost Five Years
These verses give a summary of the victories of the northern campaign in Canaan. All of the cities in the mountain country and the land of Goshen to the northern plains came under the control of Israel as a result of military conquest. Only the Hivites of Gibeon made peace without a battle.
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 61
BR Years from Creation: 2714
BR: Monday, December 16 — Kislev 27, 1401 BC
GH: Monday, September 30 — Tishri 15, 1396 BC
Julian Day Number: 1211818.75
Joshua 13:8-14
Joshua Divides Land East of the Jordon River
This is the estimated DFC date in Biblical history when Joshua begins dividing the land of Canaan among the Tribes of Israel. This research assumes that the battle for Canaan to this point took about five years. Other commentaries use seven or more years. Joshua 11:18 simply says, “Joshua made war for a long time with all those kings”. The specific amount of time is not mentioned. CD#179 is the DFC and EDFC date for events happening between 1401 BC and 1397 BC.
Type of Dated Event: EDFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 179
BR Years from Creation: 2714
BR: Sunday, April 13 — Nisan 26, 1400 BC
GH: Sunday, January 26 — Shevat 5, 1395 BC
Julian Day Number: 1211936.75
Joshua 13:15-23
Canaan Land Given to Tribe of Reuben
This is the estimated date in Biblical history when Joshua begins dividing the land of Canaan east of the Jordon River given to the Tribe of Reuben.
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 209
BR Years from Creation: 2714
BR: Tuesday, May 13 — Iyar 26, 1400 BC
GH: Tuesday, February 25 — Adar 5, 1395 BC
Julian Day Number: 1211966.75
Joshua 14:6-14
Caleb Inherits Hebron at 85 While In Gilgal
This is the estimated date in Biblical history when Joshua gives Hebron to Caleb while in Gilgal. This land is west of the Jordon River. This event happens when Caleb is eighty-five years old. Caleb and Joshua were the only people over sixty years old allowed to enter Canaan at the end of the Exodus.
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 27
BR Years from Creation: 2715
BR: Tuesday, November 12 — Heshvan 23, 1400 BC
GH: Tuesday, August 26 — Elul 9, 1395 BC
Julian Day Number: 1212148.75
Joshua 15:1-63
Canaan Land Given to Tribe of Judah
This is the estimated date in Biblical history when Joshua divides land in Canaan west of the Jordon River giving the inheritance to the Tribe of Judah.
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 58
BR Years from Creation: 2715
BR: Friday, December 13 — Kislev 24, 1400 BC
GH: Friday, September 26 — Tishri 11, 1395 BC
Julian Day Number: 1212179.75
Joshua 19:51
End of Dividing Canaan by Joshua and Eleazar
Joshua and Eleazar finish dividing the land of Canaan among the tribes of Israel. Joshua received the city of Timnath Serah in the mountains of Ephraim. CD#179 is the DFC and EDFC date for events happening between the years 1401 BC and 1397 BC.
Type of Dated Event: EDFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 179
BR Years from Creation: 2717
BR: Sunday, April 13 — Nisan 26, 1397 BC
GH: Sunday, January 22 — Shevat 1, 1392 BC
Julian Day Number: 1213028.75
Joshua 23:1-31
Joshua Gives Farewell Address at Shechem
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 134
BR Years from Creation: 2718
BR: Thursday, February 29 — Adar 11, 1396 BC
GH: Thursday, December 7 — Kislev 15, 1392 BC
Julian Day Number: 1213347.75
Joshua 24:32
Bones of Joseph Are Buried at Shechem
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 141
BR Years from Creation: 2718
BR: Thursday, March 6 — Adar 18, 1396 BC
GH: Thursday, December 14 — Kislev 22, 1392 BC
Julian Day Number: 1213354.75
Joshua 24:1-27
Joshua Makes Covenant With Israel at Shechem
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 148
BR Years from Creation: 2718
BR: Thursday, March 13 — Adar 25, 1396 BC
GH: Thursday, December 21 — Kislev 28, 1392 BC
Julian Day Number: 1213361.75
Joshua 24:28
Joshua Lets Tribes Depart to Own Inheritance
CD#180 is the DFC and EDFC date for events between 1396 BC and 1392 BC.
Type of Dated Event: EDFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 180
BR Years from Creation: 2718
BR: Monday, April 14 — Nisan 27, 1396 BC
GH: Monday, January 22 — Shevat 1, 1391 BC
Julian Day Number: 1213393.75
Joshua 15:16-17; Judges 1:13
Othniel Receives Caleb’s Daughter Achsah as His Wife
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 69
BR Years from Creation: 2719
BR: Tuesday, December 24 — Tevet 5, 1396 BC
GH: Tuesday, October 2 — Tishri 17, 1391 BC
Julian Day Number: 1213646.75
Judges 2:1-5
Angel of the Lord Rebukes Israel’s Disobedience
CD#180 is the DFC and EDFC date for events happening between the years 1396 BC and 1392 BC.
Type of Dated Event: EDFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 180
BR Years from Creation: 2722
BR: Monday, April 14 — Nisan 27, 1392 BC
GH: Monday, January 17 — Tevet 25, 1387 BC
Julian Day Number: 1214849.75
Joshua 24:29-31; Judges 2:7-10
The Death of Joshua at 110 Years
The death of Joshua, which is soon followed by the death of Eleazar, son of Aaron, is the transitional beginning of the period of the Judges of Israel. CD#185 is the DFC and EDFC date for events happening between 1371 BC and 1367 BC.
Type of Dated Event: EDFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 185
BR Years from Creation: 2747
BR: Saturday, April 19 — Iyar 2, 1367 BC
GH: Saturday, December 22 — Kislev 30, 1363 BC
Julian Day Number: 1223954.75
Transition From Conquest of Canaan
to the Period of the Judges
During the conquest of Canaan, Israel was obedient to God and protected in battle. During the period of the Judges, Israel went through repeating cycles of idolatry of pagan gods, military defeat, repentance and restoration from a Judge. A Judge was a deliverer raised up by God for a specific period of time. This process is explained in Chapter 2 of the Book of Judges and the introduction to this Book in the MacArthur Study Bible. The MacArthur Study Bible also has a great chart of the period of the Judges on page 339.
Dating the events of the conquest of Canaan and the period of the Judges proved to be as much of a challenge as dating the reigns of the Kings of Israel. It is relatively easy to date the start of the conquest of Canaan at the end of the Exodus in 1405 BC when Joshua crossed the Jordon River on Nisan 10 of that year, according to Joshua 3:2-17 (See pages 266-267). It is also clear when the period of the Judges is over and King Saul begins his reign in June of 1050 BC on the 364-Day calendar. This year is calculated to be just under eighty-five years from the start of the building of the Jerusalem Temple on Sunday, May 18−Sivan 2 in 965 BC, according to 1 Kings 6:1 and 2 Chronicles 3:2 (See page 383).
To put it simply, the start of the conquest of Canaan and the end of the period of the Judges can be accurately dated in years. The periods of oppression by foreign Kings and deliverance by Israel’s Judges are dated years between these two events. Different Tribes of Israel were oppressed by different enemies and had their own Tribal Judge in a particular inherited area of Canaan. Jephthah’s warning to the King of Ammon in Judges 1:23-28 serves as an anchor point in the period of the Judges. This event happens 300 years after Israel defeats King Sihon at a battle at Heshbon Falls in 1406 BC, as recorded in Numbers 21:23-31, Deut. 1:4, and 2:30-35 (See page 248). The previous periods of oppression and deliverance back to the death of Joshua can be calculated from this point.