Text from Earth’s Sacred Calendar: The Dated Events of the Old Testament
![The Sacred Calendar dated events image](https://www.thesacredcalendar.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/sacred-calendar-dated-events-image.png)
The Exodus: The Building of the Nation of Israel
Moses Told to Leave Egypt Until Israel Mourns for Moses
Wednesday April 2 – Nisan 15, 1445 BC
To Tuesday March 18 – Adar 30, 1405 BC
39 Years and 350 Days
Sample of 175 Events: Exodus 12:31-40:38, Numbers, & Deuteronomy
Exodus 12:31-36
Pharaoh Tells Moses to Get Out of Egypt
At this point in Egypt’s history the Pharaoh admits defeat to the God of Israel. Israel is ordered out of Egypt and told to take their flocks of animals and possessions with them. It is important to note that Israel plundered Egypt at the direct request of Pharaoh. Pharaoh would later regret this decision and pursue Israel to the crossing of the Red Sea.
Type of Dated Event: DIS
BR Calendar Day Number: 168
BR Years from Creation: 2669
BR: Wednesday, April 2 — Nisan 15, 1445 BC
GH: Wednesday, March 11 — Adar 19, 1440 BC
Julian Day Number: 1195545.75
Exodus 12:31-36; Numbers 33:3-4
Israel Begins to Leave Egypt
Israel plundered valuable livestock, food, and possessions from the Egyptians on their way out of Egypt. Israel plundered Egypt at the request of Pharaoh and leaves quickly before the Pharaoh changes his mind. The Egyptians probably assisted Israel in leaving out of fear that some other disaster would be inflicted on Egypt if Israel remained. Egypt would never fully recover from the effects of the plagues and the economic impact of Israel’s labor force leaving Egypt.
Type of Dated Event: DIS
BR Calendar Day Number: 168
BR Years from Creation: 2669
BR: Wednesday, April 2 — Nisan 15, 1445 BC
GH: Wednesday, March 11 — Adar 19, 1440 BC
Julian Day Number: 1195545.75
Exodus 12:37-39
Israel Makes First Camp of Exodus at Succoth
The nation of Israel is formed as the people gather at Succoth to begin the Exodus.
Type of Dated Event: DIS
BR Calendar Day Number: 169
BR Years from Creation: 2669
BR: Thursday, April 3 — Nisan 16, 1445 BC
GH: Thursday, March 12 — Adar 20, 1440 BC
Julian Day Number: 1195546.75
Exodus 12:40-42; 13:1-2
The Firstborn Consecrated-Evening Nisan 17
This Anchor Nisan 17 date, in 1445 BC, is exactly 1012 years from the date that Noah’s Ark comes to rest in the Mountains of Ararat in 2457 BC. This date is also 430 DFC years and 86 days from Jacob’s arrival in Egypt and his meeting with Pharaoh. The DFC date of Jacob’s arrival in Egypt, at the age of 130, is Wednesday, January 9−Tevet 20 in 1875 BC. This Nisan 17 date, like the day Noah takes the Covering off the Ark, is an Anchor date for the entire Bible Timeline. The start of the Exodus functions as the center point of Biblical history. Using only the 364-Day calendar and the dates in the text of Scripture, almost every event in the Bible can be accurately calculated or estimated within a small margin of error from this date in history. The DFC dates function like markings on a ruler with estimated dates falling in between. At this point in the Bible Timeline, one-fifth of the completed years since Creation Week would be 534. Since there are only 364 Calendar Day Numbers, 364 must be subtracted resulting in CD#170 as the DFC date for this year. CD#170 is the DFC date for events happening between 1446 BC and 1442 BC.
Type of Dated Event: Anchor#17, DFC
BR Calendar Day Number: 170
BR Years from Creation: 2669
BR: Friday, April 4 — Nisan 17, 1445 BC
GH: Friday, March 13 — Adar 21, 1440 BC
Julian Day Number: 1195547.75
Exodus 14:21-31
God Parts the Red Sea at PiHahiroth
This monumental event, of Israel crossing the Red Sea on Monday, April 28 – Iyar 11 in 1445 BC, would also be an Anchor date for the start of Easter Week in 30 AD. On this same Monday date in 30 AD, on the Gregorian-Hebrew solar calendar, it would be April 1–Nisan 10. On this date the Passover Lamb is chosen to be sacrificed four days later on Nisan 14. Jesus enters Jerusalem and is hailed as the Messiah on this same date in 30 AD, as recorded in Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-10, and Luke 19:28-40. To put this in another way, Jesus enters Jerusalem on the Monday of the start of the Passover Feast exactly 1,474 364-Day years after the nation of Israel is led safely across the Red Sea at PiHahiroth.
Type of Dated Event: DIS
BR Calendar Day Number: 194
BR Years from Creation: 2669
BR: Monday, April 28 — Iyar 11, 1445 BC
GH: Monday, April 6 — Nisan 15, 1440 BC
Julian Day Number: 1195571.75
Exodus 15:22-26
On Third Day Israel Arrives at Marah
At this camp the bitter waters are made sweet and drinkable.
Type of Dated Event: DIS
BR Calendar Day Number: 197
BR Years from Creation: 2669
BR: Thursday, May 1 — Iyar 14, 1445 BC
GH: Thursday, April 9 — Nisan 18, 1440 BC
Julian Day Number: 1195574.75
Exodus 15:27
Israel Camps at Elim
It is estimated that Israel arrives at Elim late in the day, just before the beginning of Friday, May 2–Iyar 15. This date in Scripture is calculated to be exactly 1,474 364-Day years from the date the disciples would have been preparing the Last Supper meal to be eaten that evening in 30 AD. In 30 AD, this date on the Gregorian-Hebrew calendar is Thursday, April 4-Nisan 13.
Type of Dated Event: DIS
BR Calendar Day Number: 197
BR Years from Creation: 2669
BR: Thursday, May 1 — Iyar 14, 1445 BC
GH: Thursday, April 9 — Nisan 18, 1440 BC
Julian Day Number: 1195574.75
Exodus 16:1
Israel Leaves Elim Headed for the Wilderness of Sin
This event happens in the morning just four days after the nation of Israel had safely crossed the Red Sea at PiHahiroth.
Type of Dated Event: DIS
BR Calendar Day Number: 198
BR Years from Creation: 2669
BR: Friday, May 2 — Iyar 15, 1445 BC
GH: Friday, April 10 — Nisan 19, 1440 BC
Julian Day Number: 1195575.75
Exodus 16:1
Israel Arrives at Wilderness of Sin
On this same Friday May 2–Iyar 15 date in 30 AD, Jesus would be crucified as the Lamb of God, as recorded in Matthew 27:29-56, Mark 15:22-37, Luke 23:26-46, and John 19:17-30. On this same Friday Passover date in 30 AD, on the 364-Day calendar, it would be April 5–Nisan 14 on the Gregorian-Hebrew solar calendar. Jesus is crucified exactly 1,474 364-Day years after Israel arrives in the Wilderness of Sin, as recorded in Exodus 16:1-3. That Saturday evening, Israel would begin complaining about the lack of food.
Type of Dated Event: DIS
BR Calendar Day Number: 198
BR Years from Creation: 2669
BR: Friday, May 2 — Iyar 15, 1445 BC
GH: Friday, April 10 — Nisan 19, 1440 BC
Julian Day Number: 1195575.75
Exodus 16:1-3
In Wilderness of Sin Israel Begins Complaining
It appears from the Biblical text that Israel left Elim and arrived at the Wilderness of Sin on the same day. This date in Scripture is Friday, May 2–Iyar 15. On the evening of that day, Saturday, Iyar 16 on the 364-Day calendar, the people began to complain about the lack of meat and bread. It had been a full month since they left Egypt and their food supplies were almost depleted. On this same Saturday, May 3–Iyar 16 date in 30 AD, the body of Jesus would have been in the tomb following His death at around 3:00 p.m. earlier that day. On this same day in 30 AD on the 364-Day calendar, the Jewish leaders would come to Pilate and ask that the tomb be guarded so that no one could steal the body of Jesus and claim that Jesus had risen from the dead. Pontius Pilate granted their request to have the tomb guarded according to Matthew 27:62-66.
Type of Dated Event: DIS
BR Calendar Day Number: 199
BR Years from Creation: 2669
BR: Saturday, May 3 — Iyar 16, 1445 BC
GH: Saturday, April 11 — Nisan 20, 1440 BC
Julian Day Number: 1195576.75
Exodus 16:4-12
God Promises Meat and Bread From Heaven
God promises to send meat in the form of quail in the evening of that same day. This would be the start of Sunday, May 4–Iyar 17 on the 364-Day Hebrew calendar. In the morning, still Sunday, God would also send bread in the form of manna for the first time. God gives the nation of Israel very specific directions as to how to gather the manna as a way of providing food and testing their obedience to His instructions. God repeatedly teaches Israel that He is their God and provider. On this same date in 30 AD, Jesus would have been inside the sealed tomb.
Type of Dated Event: DIS
BR Calendar Day Number: 199
BR Years from Creation: 2669
BR: Saturday, May 3 — Iyar 16, 1445 BC
GH: Saturday, April 11 — Nisan 20, 1440 BC
Julian Day Number: 1195576.75
Exodus 16:13
Quails Came Up and Covered the Camp
God keeps His promise and sends meat in the form of quail. Ancient Egyptian paintings show people throwing nets over quail in bushes who are exhausted after a long migration flight. Psalm 78:27-29 makes it clear that God orchestrated this event when, “He also rained meat on them like the dust, Feathered fowl like the sand of the seas; And He let them fall in the midst of their camp, All around their dwellings. So they ate and were filled, For He gave them their own desire”. This event happened on Sunday evening at the start of the Hebrew day.
Type of Dated Event: DIS
BR Calendar Day Number: 200
BR Years from Creation: 2669
BR: Sunday, May 4 — Iyar 17, 1445 BC
GH: Sunday, April 12 — Nisan 21, 1440 BC
Julian Day Number: 1195577.75
Exodus 16:13-21
First Day of “Bread From Heaven”
On this Sunday, May 4–Iyar 17 in 1445 BC, God feeds Israel with manna and quail. This “bread which the Lord has given you to eat” (Genesis 16:15) came on the same day as the Resurrection in 30 AD. On this same date of the Resurrection in 30 AD, on the 364-Day calendar, it would be April 7–Nisan 16 on the Gregorian-Hebrew solar calendar. The first day of manna and the Resurrection are separated by exactly 1,474 364-Day years.
Type of Dated Event: DIS
BR Calendar Day Number: 200
BR Years from Creation: 2669
BR: Sunday, May 4 — Iyar 17, 1445 BC
GH: Sunday, April 12 — Nisan 21, 1440 BC
Julian Day Number: 1195577.75
Exodus 18:5-10
Jethro Brings Moses His Wife and Two Sons
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 212
BR Years from Creation: 2669
BR: Friday, May 16 — Iyar 29, 1445 BC
GH: Friday, April 24 — Iyar 3, 1440 BC
Julian Day Number: 1195589.75
Exodus 19:1-2
Israel Moves From Rephidim to Wilderness of Sinai
This event is exactly 480 Years before the start of Solomon’s Temple mentioned in 1 Kings 6:1 and 2 Chronicles 3:2. Israel arrives in the Wilderness of Sinai during the daylight hours of the second day of the month of Sivan. Scripture says it is Sivan 3 since the Hebrew date is given at the start of the day.
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 214
BR Years from Creation: 2669
BR: Sunday, May 18 — Sivan 2, 1445 BC
GH: Sunday, April 26 — Iyar 5, 1440 BC
Julian Day Number: 1195591.75
Exodus 19:1-2
Israel Makes Camp at Base of Mount Sinai
This event happens in the third month “on the same day”. This date is Sivan 3.
Type of Dated Event: DIS
BR Calendar Day Number: 215
BR Years from Creation: 2669
BR: Monday, May 19 — Sivan 3, 1445 BC
GH: Monday, April 27 — Iyar 6, 1440 BC
Julian Day Number: 1195592.75
Exodus 19:16-23
Israel Gathers at Base of Mount Sinai
When Israel gathers at the base of Mount Sinai, this is a fulfillment of Exodus 3:12 and is expressed in Acts 7:7. This Sivan 6 Gregorian-Hebrew solar date in 30 AD falls on the Sunday of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit is received by the gathered believers. The Hebrew celebration of Pentecost is celebrated and dated from this Exodus event.
Type of Dated Event: DIS
BR Calendar Day Number: 218
BR Years from Creation: 2669
BR: Thursday, May 22 — Sivan 6, 1445 BC
GH: Thursday, April 30 — Iyar 9, 1440 BC
Julian Day Number: 1195595.75
Exodus 19:24
God Instructs Moses to Go and Get Aaron
God also reminds Moses to tell the nation of Israel to not go past certain boundaries at the base of Mount Sinai.
Type of Dated Event: DIS
BR Calendar Day Number: 218
BR Years from Creation: 2669
BR: Thursday, May 22 — Sivan 6, 1445 BC
GH: Thursday, April 30 — Iyar 9, 1440 BC
Julian Day Number: 1195595.75
Exodus 20:1-21, 24:1-2
God Speaks While Moses Stands “where God was”
Moses stands “near the thick darkness where God was” with Aaron, Nadab, Abihu and seventy Elders, worshipping from afar while God speaks to Israel.
Type of Dated Event: DIS
BR Calendar Day Number: 218
BR Years from Creation: 2669
BR: Thursday, May 22 — Sivan 6, 1445 BC
GH: Thursday, April 30 — Iyar 9, 1440 BC
Julian Day Number: 1195595.75
Exodus 24:12-14
Moses and Joshua Receive the Ten Commandments
Elders and Aaron instructed to stay behind.
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 221
BR Years from Creation: 2669
BR: Sunday, May 25 — Sivan 9, 1445 BC
GH: Sunday, May 3 — Iyar 12, 1440 BC
Julian Day Number: 1195598.75
Exodus 24:15-16
The Cloud and Glory of the Lord on the Mountain
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 222
BR Years from Creation: 2669
BR: Monday, May 26 — Sivan 10, 1445 BC
GH: Monday, May 4 — Iyar 13, 1440 BC
Julian Day Number: 1195599.75
Exodus 24:15-18
First of 40 Days Moses is on Mount Sinai and not Visible to Israel
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 222
BR Years from Creation: 2669
BR: Monday, May 26 — Sivan 10, 1445 BC
GH: Monday, May 4 — Iyar 13, 1440 BC
Julian Day Number: 1195599.75
Exodus 24:16
Seventh Day-God Called Moses From Out of the Cloud
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 228
BR Years from Creation: 2669
BR: Sunday, June 1 — Sivan 16, 1445 BC
GH: Sunday, May 10 — Iyar 19, 1440 BC
Julian Day Number: 1195605.75
Exodus 32:1-6
Israel Begins Building a Golden Calf
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 251
BR Years from Creation: 2669
BR: Tuesday, June 24 — Tammuz 9, 1445 BC
GH: Tuesday, June 2 — Sivan 13, 1440 BC
Julian Day Number: 1195628.75
Exodus 32:19; Deut 9:17
Moses Breaks the Two Stone Tablets of Law
This story is recalled by Moses to the nation of Israel in Deuteronomy 9:7-21.
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 261
BR Years from Creation: 2669
BR: Friday, July 4 — Tammuz 19, 1445 BC
GH: Friday, June 12 — Sivan 23, 1440 BC
Julian Day Number: 1195638.75
Exodus 34:27-35; Deuteronomy 9:25-10:5
Moses Returns New Tablets After 40 Days
The face of Moses shines from exposure to God’s Glory. This day is the end of 40 days and nights of Moses being on the mountain. Moses returns to the people of Israel after writing the Ten Commandments. Like Jesus in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights (Matthew 4:1-2, Luke 4:1-2), Moses does not eat or drink water during this time.
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 304
BR Years from Creation: 2669
BR: Saturday, August 17 — Elul 3, 1445 BC
GH: Saturday, July 25 — Av 7, 1440 BC
Julian Day Number: 1195681.75
Numbers 11:31-32
The Lord Sends Quail
The Lords send a great number of quail flying at about three feet off the ground that can easily be knocked out of the air and taken for food.
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 208
BR Years from Creation: 2670
BR: Monday, May 12 — Iyar 25, 1444 BC
GH: Monday, April 19 — Nisan 28, 1439 BC
Julian Day Number: 1195949.75
Numbers 13:1-20; Deuteronomy 1:22-25
Moses Sends Spies Into Canaan 40 Days
It is the second half of June on the Gregorian solar calendar and the early grapes are ripe. At this point in Biblical history, the 364-Day calendar and the Gregorian-Hebrew solar calendar are only twenty-three days apart. This means that at this time the two calendars are almost seasonally in sync.
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 270
BR Years from Creation: 2670
BR: Sunday, July 13 — Tammuz 28, 1444 BC
GH: Sunday, June 20 — Tammuz 1, 1439 BC
Julian Day Number: 1196011.75
Numbers 14:1-10; Deuteronomy 1:26-33
Israel Refuses to Enter Canaan
Caleb and Joshua urge the people to enter the land of Canaan as the Lord had instructed. The other spies convince the people that the Canaanites are too big and strong to engage in battle. This refusal of Israel to follow God’s command shows their failure to rely on the protection of God and to obey His Word. Caleb and Joshua would be the only people over twenty years old at that time to enter Canaan forty years later.
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 311
BR Years from Creation: 2670
BR: Saturday, August 24 — Elul 10, 1444 BC
GH: Saturday, July 31 — Av 13, 1439 BC
Julian Day Number: 1196052.75
Numbers 14:11-19
Moses Intercedes for the People
Moses intercedes and God responds by only allowing the young to enter Canaan later.
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 311
BR Years from Creation: 2670
BR: Saturday, August 24 — Elul 10, 1444 BC
GH: Saturday, July 31 — Av 13, 1439 BC
Julian Day Number: 1196052.75
Numbers 14:20-25
God Pardons Israel for the Eleventh Time
These verses are taken literally. The MacArthur Study Bible lists the other ten times in the notes for Numbers 14:22 as the following: 1) Ex. 14:10-12:2; 2) Ex. 15:22-24; 3) Ex. 16:1-3; 4) Ex. 16:19-20; 5) Ex. 16:27-30; 6) Ex. 17:1-4; 7) 32:1-35; 8) Num. 11:1-3; 9) Num. 11:4-34; 10) Num. 14:3. God instruct Israel to go south away from the land of Canaan and toward the part of the Red Sea known today as the Gulf of Aqabah (Aquba).
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 311
BR Years from Creation: 2670
BR: Saturday, August 24 — Elul 10, 1444 BC
GH: Saturday, July 31 — Av 13, 1439 BC
Julian Day Number: 1196052.75
Numbers 14:24-35
God’s Sentence to Death in Exodus Wilderness
God kills everyone except Caleb and Joshua over 20 years old during the next 40 years.
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 311
BR Years from Creation: 2670
BR: Saturday, August 24 — Elul 10, 1444 BC
GH: Saturday, July 31 — Av 13, 1439 BC
Julian Day Number: 1196052.75
Numbers 20:22-29, 33:38
Death of Aaron-Brother of Moses at 123
The death of Aaron is one of the first exact dates given near the end of the Exodus. This date helps give a good estimate of dates of many of the events that follow during this period of the Exodus. It is getting near the end of the Exodus and most of the people who were over twenty years old at the start of the Exodus have died.
Type of Dated Event: DIS
BR Calendar Day Number: 272
BR Years from Creation: 2708
BR: Tuesday, July 15 — Av 1, 1406 BC
GH: Tuesday, May 6 — Iyar 17, 1401 BC
Julian Day Number: 1209845.75
Numbers 20:25-26
Eleazar-Son of Aaron Becomes High Priest
Eleazar, son of Aaron, is taken up on Mount Hor with his father. Aaron dies in view of the nation of Israel. Aaron’s priestly garment is transferred to Eleazar making him the head Priest of Israel. The death of Aaron is followed by thirty days of mourning. Anyone over 59 years old knew their death would follow soon as they would not go into Canaan.
Type of Dated Event: DIS
BR Calendar Day Number: 272
BR Years from Creation: 2708
BR: Tuesday, July 15 — Av 1, 1406 BC
GH: Tuesday, May 6 — Iyar 17, 1401 BC
Julian Day Number: 1209845.75
Numbers 21:23-31; Deuteronomy 1:4, 2:30-35
Israel Defeats King Sihon as Heshbon Falls
Israel defeats the Amorites from Arnon to Jabbok. Israel also took possession of the land all the way to the border of Ammon where it was fortified. A little under 300 years later, Jephthah would remind the people of Ammon how God had previously given Israel this land. Jephthah’s regrettable vow is made regarding the defeat of the Ammonites, as recorded in Judges 11:10-33. The dating of this event 300 years before the defeat of the Ammonites becomes critical to dating many events during the period of the Judges.
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 26
BR Years from Creation: 2709
BR: Monday, November 11 — Heshvan 22, 1406 BC
GH: Monday, September 1 — Elul 17, 1401 BC
Julian Day Number: 1209963.75
Numbers 21:32; Deuteronomy 3:8
Israel Drives the Amorites Out of Jazer
Israel sends out spies and drives the Amorites out of Jazer.
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 29
BR Years from Creation: 2709
BR: Thursday, November 14 — Heshvan 25, 1406 BC
GH: Thursday, September 4 — Elul 20, 1401 BC
Julian Day Number: 1209966.75
Deuteronomy 3:23-29
Moses Makes Plea to Enter the Promised Land
Moses pleads with God to be allowed to enter the land of Canaan. The request of Moses is denied. Moses is told to go to the top of Mount Nebo to see the Promised Land. Moses is told to encourage Joshua to lead Israel into Canaan under God’s protection. Moses follows God’s orders as recorded in Deuteronomy 32:44-52 and 34:1-12.
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 86
BR Years from Creation: 2709
BR: Friday, January 11 — Tevet 22, 1405 BC
GH: Friday, October 31 — Heshvan 10, 1401 BC
Julian Day Number: 1210023.75
Deuteronomy 1:3-30:20
Moses Begins His Farewell Address
Type of Dated Event: DIS
BR Calendar Day Number: 94
BR Years from Creation: 2709
BR: Saturday, January 19 — Shevat 1, 1405 BC
GH: Saturday, November 8 — Heshvan 18, 1401 BC
Julian Day Number: 1210031.75
Deuteronomy 31:9-13
Moses Delivers the Written Law to Levites
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 117
BR Years from Creation: 2709
BR: Monday, February 12 — Shevat 24, 1405 BC
GH: Monday, December 1 — Kislev 11, 1401 BC
Julian Day Number: 1210054.75
Deuteronomy 32:1-43
The Final Song of Moses to Israel
The main theme of this message from Moses centers on Israel’s apostasy which results in certain judgment from God. This Song of Moses describes in detail the selection by God of the nation of Israel and His care for them during the forty years of the Exodus.
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 123
BR Years from Creation: 2709
BR: Sunday, February 18 — Shevat 30, 1405 BC
GH: Sunday, December 7 — Kislev 17, 1401 BC
Julian Day Number: 1210060.75
Deuteronomy 32:48-52
Moses Goes to Mount Nebo to Die
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 123
BR Years from Creation: 2709
BR: Sunday, February 18 — Shevat 30, 1405 BC
GH: Sunday, December 7 — Kislev 17, 1401 BC
Julian Day Number: 1210060.75
Deuteronomy 34:8
Israel Mourns for Moses for 30 Days
Type of Dated Event: EST
BR Calendar Day Number: 153
BR Years from Creation: 2709
BR: Tuesday, March 18 — Adar 30, 1405 BC
GH: Tuesday, January 6 — Tevet 14, 1400 BC
Julian Day Number: 1210090.75
The Red Sea Crossing (Pictures)
This picture, found at ArkDiscovery.com, shows the true route of the Exodus and the Red Sea Crossing. Most current maps found in books on the Exodus show Israel going around the Red Sea near Elath at the northern portion of the Gulf of Aqaba. Elath is mentioned in 1 Kings 9:26 as the place where Solomon “built a fleet of ships at Ezion Geber, which is near Elath on the shore of the Red Sea, in the land of Edom”. This map shows a route consistent with the Biblical text and real archeological evidence of this historic event. The pictures below are JPEG versions of colored pictures found at the listed websites. The pictures in the printed version of Earth’s Sacred Calendar are in black and white.
The pictures taken below can be found at www.arkdiscovery.com on the part of the webpage designated, “Red Sea Crossing”. This granite pillar is located in Egypt on the Sinai Peninsula side of the Gulf of Aqabah (also spelled Aquba) at what is called Nuweiba Beach today. Scripture refers to this location with the name Pi-Hahiroth (Exodus 14:2), which translates “mouth of the Hole”. The name of this location describes the opening from the canyon and rock cliffs which would have trapped the Israelites on the beach making them an easy target for the approaching Egyptian army. This location and the fortress at Migdol are mentioned in Scripture and the amazing video documentary titled, The Exodus Revealed DVD. The author of this book considers this one of two “must see” videos for any serious student of the events related to the Exodus. Much of the video from www.ArkDiscovery.com, Revealing God’s Treasure, can be seen and ordered at the website. This second video deals with Noah’s Ark, the Red Sea Crossing, and other events recorded in the Book of Exodus. Both videos are currently available at Amazon.com.
Divers and snorkelers at Nuweiba Beach will find coral encrusted chariot wheels with 4, 6, and 8 spoke wheels. These chariots were only made during the eighteenth dynasty in Egypt which ended about 1334 BC with the death of Nefertiti. It is estimated that about 20,000 chariots were destroyed at the crossing of the Red Sea. These chariots were not made during the time of Rameses (c.1292-1290 BC). The Pharaoh Rameses is often portrayed in history incorrectly as the Pharaoh of the Exodus. This first picture shows an artist cutaway version showing what the wood would look like if it could be seen under the coral. The wood in the spokes would be gone now but served as a base for the coral to attach to giving it the “spoke” shape.
The chariot wheel below left is not encrusted with coral because it is gold plated. Coral does not attach to gold. Exodus 14:7 mentions that Pharaoh took his chariots (estimated about 20,000) and “six hundred choice chariots, and all the chariots of Egypt with captains over every one of them”. This or a similar gold plated “choice chariot” wheel can be clearly seen in The Exodus Revealed DVD. Below right is a drawing found in an Egyptian tomb from this same time period (1445 BC) showing a 4-spoke chariot wheel.
The drawing above right of a four spoke wheel was found in an Egyptian tomb dated from the eighteenth Egyptian dynasty. Some historians date the eighteenth dynasty of Egypt from about 1540 BC until 1334 BC. The author suspects that pictures of chariots, like the one pictured above, would be difficult to find on murals after the events at the start of the Exodus in 1445 BC. Notice how this tomb drawing appears to be a perfect match for the gold-veneered chariot wheel found underwater in the Gulf of Aqaba and seen above left. In Scripture, the Gulf of Aqaba is called the Red Sea.
The Real Mount Sinai (Pictures)
The real Mount Sinai of the Old Testament is located in modern day Saudi Arabia. It is important to remember that Israel arrives at Mount Sinai after crossing the Red Sea. The modern day Mount Sinai is in Egypt on the wrong side of the Red Sea according to the Biblical text. The mountain that matches the Biblical description is Jebel el Lawz with its black scorched peak in Saudi Arabia. The stone altars and monuments around this mountain also match the Biblical text. The pictures below are JPEG versions of colored pictures found at the listed website on the next page.
The Real Mount Sinai With Black Peak
The above picture shows Aaron Sen standing in the encampment area of the real “Mt. Sinai”. This picture of the blackened peak of Jebel el Lawz in Saudi Arabia can be found at www.arkdiscovery.com/mt__sinai_found.htm. Better pictures in color can be found on the Internet by doing a search for “Jebel el Lawz” or “the real Mount Sinai”.