The Creation of Adam and Eve story and the Biblical Creation history of the Seven Days of Creation are explained from the inerrant dated text of the Bible using a 364-Day Calendar derived from and consistent with the Biblical text.
Chapter 14 – ‘The Beginning’
Seven Days of Creation Week PDF Download
Creation of Adam – Genesis 1:26-31
The Adam and Eve story and the historical Seven days of Creation Week are described and dated in Genesis 1 and 2. This PDF file gives commentary and dates the first seven days of Creation Week culminating in the creation of Adam and Eve. The first seven days of Creation are described as 24-hour days that can now be placed on the Gregorian calendar used today. Creation week starts on Sunday, October 13 – Creation Day One, 4115 BC at 6:00 PM on a 364-Day Calendar consistent with Scripture. This Sunday date on a Gregorian-Hebrew calendar starts at midnight, six hours later, on Sunday October 21 – Tishri 31 in 4101 BC (Genesis 1:1-2). All dates below are calculated on a 364-Day calendar derived from and consistent with the text of Scripture. This unique Bible timeline chronology is the only research that shows the inerrancy of the dated years in the timeline of the Bible.
Saturday October 12 – ‘the beginning’, 4115 BC Genesis 1:1-2
The Beginning: Time is the first of God’s creations and intersects with eternity: 1 ¶ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth; 2 and the earth being without form and empty, and darkness being on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God hovering on the face of the waters, – KJ3. The start of this day cannot be determined. This day ends at 6:00 PM in what is now known as Israel. At 6:00 PM on a 364-Day Hebrew calendar, Creation Day 1 begins on Sunday October 13 – Creation Day 1 in 4115 BC. This day and the other Six Days of Creation Week are all 24-hour days.
Sunday October 13 – Creation Day 1, 4115 BC Genesis 1:1-5
Creation and history begins with the creation of time, space, matter and energy expressed as light. In Genesis 1:3, God starts and continually sustains the constantly moving and energized universe. Time and history begin with the simple declaration of His Word, 3 ¶ and God said, Let light be! And there was light. The Julian Day Number given on this date, 223859, is at the start of Sunday at 6 p.m in what is now known as Israel. All future Julian Day Numbers digitally represent the day number at the start of the Gregorian-Hebrew calendar day at midnight-12 a.m. This Gregorian-Hebrew solar calendar is a product of this research on the timeline of the bible. This Bible Timeline research will clearly show that the 364-Day calendar, consistent with Scripture, digitally starts on this day and generates the Julian and Gregorian solar calendars used on earth today.
Monday October 14 – Creation Day 2, 4115 BC Genesis 1:6-8
Space and matter are separated on Creation Day 2. Day 2 of Creation Week is another day of separation and order. On this day, the earth that is covered in water is separated by a space called the “firmament” which God calls “Heaven” in Verse 1:8 of the Book of Genesis. This “firmament” is the sky and space above that we see when we look up from the earth. In this atmosphere wrapped around the earth, in this space called heaven, there is also a great amount of water in the form of thick clouds which some refer to as a canopy of water vapor around the earth.
Tuesday October 15 – Creation Day 3, 4115 BC Genesis 1:9-13
The first plant life forms are made on Creation Day 3. On this third day of Creation, God makes His last main separation by dividing the water from the land. The day starts with an earth covered by water. The day ends with the water gathered in one place and the appearance of dry land. The description in Chapter 1 of Genesis seems to imply, that at the end of this third day of Creation, there is one piece of land that is surrounded by one body of water.
Wednesday October 16 – Creation Day 4, 4115 BC Genesis 1:14-19
Creation Day 4 becomes the completion and fulfillment of Creation Day 1. On Creation Day 1 the separation between darkness and light is created by the creation of light. On the fourth day, the light created on Creation Day 1 is attached to or reflected by the heavenly bodies such as stars, moons, planets, comets and our sun. Genesis 1:14 states, the “lights in the firmament” begin functioning as transmitters of light. On the fourth day of Creation, God attaches the light He has made on the first day of Creation to the different “heavenly bodies”. This totally removes the argument for an old earth because some stars are four million light years away.
Thursday October 17 – Creation Day 5, 4115 BC Genesis 1:20-23
On Creation Day 5, God speaks swarms of living creatures into the sea and fills the expanse above the earth with birds. Creation Day 5 is the first day of conscious life forms. On Creation Day 3, plants were made that were living things but without consciousness or the ability to independently move freely. According to Genesis 1:22, God commands all living creatures in the sea and air (heavens) to: “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply in the earth”.
Friday October 18 – Creation Day 6, 4115 BC Genesis 1:24-31, 2:7-25, 5:1-5; Luke 3:38
The Creation of Adam and Eve story is the crowning glory of God’s Creation on Day Six of Creation Week. According to Genesis 1:24-25, God begins the sixth day of Creation Week by creating all land-based creatures “according to its kind”. The land animals are divided into “cattle and the creepers, and the living things of earth, according to their kind”. Cattle would probably include all four-legged domestic animals. The “living things of earth” would refer to all other land-based animals including the dinosaurs. Creeping things would refer to all forms of animals that walk on the earth, including all forms of insects that fly or move in some manner on the ground. Creation Day 6 is finished with the creation of Adam and Eve. With reference to the Adam and Eve story, Scripture does not use the phrase “according to its kind”. Instead Genesis 1:26-28 states, “Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing creeping on the earth. 27 And God created the man in His own image; in the image of God He created him. He created them male and female”.
Saturday October 19 – Creation Day 7, 4115 BC Genesis 2:1-6
Genesis 2:1-3 says, “1 ¶ And the heavens and the earth were finished, and all their host. 2 And on the seventh day God completed His work that He had made. And He ceased on the seventh day from all His work that He had made. 3 And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, for He ceased from all His work on it, which God had created to bring forth”.
*Bible translation KJ3 Literal Translation:
Jay P. Green, Sr., Inc.