“How old is the earth according to the Bible?” or “How old is the earth?” This is the only Old Testament chronological Bible Timeline that shows the Biblical inerrancy of over 1,300 dated events in Scripture. Bible timeline charts show the age of earth from the seven days of Creation Week in 4115 BC, including the Adam and Eve story, to the New Testament public life of Jesus, the life of John the Baptist, the Passover Crucifixion and the Resurrection in 30 AD. This Bible Timeline accurately answers the question, “How old is the earth according to the Bible?”, by dating the Creation of Adam and Eve, Noah’s Ark, Joseph in Egypt, the Exodus, Kings of Israel, the Babylonian captivity, and the 70 Weeks of Daniel.
The Creation of Adam and Eve story during Creation Week is calculated to have begun on October 14 – Creation Day One in 4115 BC on a Jewish-Hebrew 364-Day “sacred” calendar. This 364-Day Bible timeline calendar is called “sacred” because it is totally derived from dates in the Masoretic text of Scripture. This timeline of the Bible 364-Day calendar can be connected to currently used Julian, Gregorian, and and Hebrew calendar dates showing the Biblical inerrancy of the dated years in Scripture.
The Bible timeline real age of the earth is 6,117 solar years in October of 2017 AD according to the numbered dates in the Biblical text. The dated events in the timeline of the Bible and the Exact Years Chart found in this research clearly states there are 4,096 solar years from Creation Week in 4101 BC until the Birth of Jesus in 5 BC. This Bible timeline chronology website and the book, Earth’s Sacred Calendar, are currently the only sources of over 1,300 dated events based solely on the Masoretic text of Scripture. The Bible chronology dates available on this web site were calculated by Jim Liles over the past ten plus years using only the numbered dates given in the New King James Version of the MacArthur Study Bible.
All of the exact and estimated dates used in this Bible Timeline from the 7 Days of Creation until the beginning of the Exodus are based on information found in the Old Testament Book of Genesis. The remaining Bible timeline events are also dated from the Book of Exodus in the Old Testament until the events of Easter Week in 30 AD found in the New Testament. The year of 1445 BC, the most accepted year of the Exodus, was used as the Anchor Year for the entire timeline of the Bible using a 364-Day Hebrew calendar totally derived from Scripture.
The dates given in this Bible Chronology Timeline are not in agreement with the current start dates of the Babylonian Exile (588-586 BC) and the restoration date of Solomon’s Temple (515 BC) found in other Bible Chronologies using unknown sources outside the pages of Scripture. This research shows that the numbered years in the Biblical text, that show the currently dated events of the start of the Babylonian Exile and the rebuilding of Solomon’s Temple, differ from current established Bible Chronology by as much as 60 years. The dates in Scripture perfectly match many well known dates in Persian and Assyrian history and remove much of the current confusion found in attempting to date the events of the Babylonian Exile and the dates of the reigns of the Kings of Israel. It is the Author’s wish that this unique perspective of God’s Word and His Sovereignty be distributed to as many people as possible in print and internet materials. The answer to the question, “How old is the earth according to the Bible?” can only be found in the dated events of Scripture which are part of the Biblical inerrancy of Scripture.
The Author hopes that the reader will simply share the web site source of this information in order that everyone has access to this research information as it continues to be updated and expanded. The Author of this Timeline of the Bible hopes you will enjoy exploring this unique research and gain a greater understanding His Sovereignty.
When you grasp the obvious fact that only the God of the Bible is in control of everything, there is no excuse for you to be anxious or worry about anything unless you do not belong to Him! The Bible is very clear that if you do not believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and acknowledge Jesus the Christ as Messiah and Lord, you have a great deal to be worried about for a very long time.
Jim Liles
Earth’s Sacred Calendar: The Dated Events of the Old Testament