A Ground-breaking Christian Reference Blockbuster
“Jim Liles has utilized scientific methods in providing an amazingly detailed account of the chronological events of the Old Testament, sola scriptura. The document is well organized. The dating method is well defined and easy to understand. The findings are the result of many years of discovery. The dates herein are based on a well-defined set of Anchor Events. His scholarly findings depart from traditionally accepted timelines. Mr. Liles’ research is accurate and consistent without the need for special cases to bring dates into alignment with historical records. The Jewish Calendar dates are listed right alongside Gregorian Calendar dates to facilitate ease of understanding. Background information about the author is engaging. Jim Liles invites the scholarly community to criticize his findings by comparing them to God’s scriptural account. This is a ground-breaking work that contains a wealth of reference information. It is a valuable addition to any believer’s library and I highly recommend it.” ─ Review Amazon Books, Steve Allen, May 11, 2014
Great Reference for Biblical Dates
“The Bible was completed over thousands of years, and it has been around 2,000 years since the final recorded events occurred. That makes it difficult enough to understand the timing of each book. Add to that the calendar changes over time, and that we use a different calendar year now, and it is hard to put dates together. Jim Liles’ book, Earth’s Sacred Calendar works to help people studying the Bible to connect the dates.
Many modern Bibles have footnotes that tell how our current months relate to the months in ancient Israel. They can also tell the dates that events occurred based on archeological evidence. However, these notes are short, and don’t explain the background in much detail, if any. Jim Liles has went beyond this and made his research available in an easy to use book.
Earth’s Sacred Calendar matches up the events to our current way of tracking time. adjusting for calendar differences and changes, Liles shows the timeline of Biblical history. All through the Old Testament, from creation to the kings to the prophets, dates are given so that we can have a better understanding of the time frame involved. He also includes information about his research so that you can see how he arrived at the dates.
This book would be an excellent reference to use during research or Bible study.
I received a free copy of Earth’s Sacred Calendar from the author in exchange for an honest review.” ─ Review Amazon Books, Phillip Cole, August 9, 2014
Review on Goodreads.com─Shelves: Lucky-Reads
“A wonderful and insightful read. I was very pleased that Mr. Liles offered the “back story” so to speak on his intent for the book and the research and hard work involved.
I want to also thank Mr. Liles for referring me to *Grace To You, which I now, listen frequently.
I found this to be very informative. I will admit that I will be reading this again, because I find it very interesting and also to better understand all of the material, there is much that is covered.
I have a feeling I will be seeing a program on television about this in the near future, you know like one of those Mysteries of the Bible shows.
Great job Mr. Liles and thank you for sharing with us all. God bless.”
─Melanie Moreau won this book as a Giveaway at Goodreads.com. This is her review dated September 27, 2014
Unique Resource
“If you are going to study Bible Chronology, you need to add Jim Liles’ Earth’s Sacred Calendar to your research. This book strives to be faithful to the Biblical text and challenges some long held previous views on certain dates . Whether you agree with Jim’s inductive approach or not, you will have a new appreciation for the Bible’s trustworthiness and the importance of dates in the Bible.” – John Fallahee, MBA, M.Div. August 24, 2015-Amazon Books
*Grace to You (www.gty.org) (mentioned above) is the best source of information on the worldwide radio, video, and download ministry of Pastor/Teacher John MacArthur. Grace to You has training centers in various parts of the world to train pastors in accurate Expository Biblical preaching. At this site you can listen to over 3,000 taped messages. You can also see videos of many taped messages from Grace Community Church (www.gracechurch.org) and many conferences. At the Church website you can watch live video messages Sunday mornings and in the evening. Grace to You is dedicated to “unleashing God’s truth, one verse at a time”.
Bible Timeline, the Publisher, is looking for a “Creation-Bible Inerrancy” partner to distribute this unique research information about the text of Scripture. Use the form on the Contact Page to reach the Publisher for more information.